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Tuatara 1000 / Iti Starting Lists

Updated: Feb 26, 2022

On the 26th of February 2022, the Tuatara will set off from Gore. Here is the list of riders who will be showing up to ride. Urgent = At pace, Brevet = Brevet, Iti = Short course, Clock/Anti = Direction. (We need more people to choose Clockwise) (*= Returning)

PS: If you want to change direction | category | withdraw, please email us. Thanks

End of day 2 - Tuatara1000 2021 | Steve Halligan

Urgent Tuatara 1000 (Anti Clockwise)

Steve Halligan*

Myles Gibson*

Max Jones*

Martin Strelka

Matt Zenovich

Thomas Watson

Jol Hennessy

John Murray

Blair Lapham

Reon Nolan

Trent Hiles

Eric Retana

Andrew Trevelyan

Greg Edwards

Wayne Glover

Brevet Tuatara 1000 (Clockwise)

Ian Brown

Adam Carlson

Tom Baker

Denise Thorne

Jorg Haase

Katrin Haase

Tim Heather

Lara Gallichan

Luke Sergent

Marie Roxburgh

Grant Utteridge

Darin Millar

Mike Moore

Mark Westphall

George Richardson

Richard MacDonald

Andy McAnergney

Philip Sutherland

Chris Sutherland

John Welford

Bruce Morris

James Cairns

Brevet Tuatara 1000 (Anti Clockwise)

Sue O'Malley*

John O'Malley*

Mark Adam*

Darron Burns*

Karl Peters*

Rich Erskine*

Gary Melhuish

Nick Kennedy

Kelvin Eden

John Keyzer

Greg Woodhouse

Yvonne Boland

Joe Nunes

Peter Kraakman

Vicki Martin

Jenny Richards

Sarah Wylie

Geof Blance

Geoff Keogh

Nick Beekhuis

David Johanson

Geoff Barker

Chris Lucas

Stephen Petty

Martin Grethe

Bruce Vander Lee

Maureen Kernick

Geoff Kernick

Bruce Norris

Harry Escott

Scott Noakes

Brevet Tuatara 1000 Direction TBC

Nick Emerson

Brevet Tuatara Iti (Anti Clockwise)

Scott Hodges*

Brent Jamieson*

Brendan Monaghan

Red Burnett

Vaughan Eddie

Mike Dent

John McKnight

Fraser Malpas

Scott Malpas

Lindsay Malpas

Vivien Bloor

Jon Jarratt

Paul Horner

Lindsay Horner

Fons Captijn

Alex Gibson

Gisela Ripoll

Romel Pascual

Symon Mitchell

John Langley

Jonathan Deblois

Michael Dela Cruz

Wave 2 - Sunday

Jerome Lagumbay* - T1000 Anti

Mark Lane - T Iti

Rob McNeur - T Iti

95 Starters

82 Withdrawn

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