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Minutes from the #BFLP AGM 2022

Minutes of the AGM from the #BigFinishLineParty 29/10/2022

Location: Royal Hotel, Naseby

Time: 5:30pm sharp #dontbelate

Present: 11 people who had enjoyed a myriad of methods of transport, distance and effort to attend the AGM

Apologies: P.B. (Something about a Muster...) A.T. (Packing for a gift) G.G. (Getting fussy about sleep deprivation these days)

Agenda Items:

Welcome - as it sounds

Course Recap:

Start: Many locations

Middle: Danseys Pass, Otematata, A20, A significant Saddle, Thomson's Gorge, Lake side trails, Rail Trails, Big Huts

Finish: Naseby

E.S with a photo showing good weather

Biggest Commute:

Wellington: E.S. + A.H. (Next day ferry)

Alexandra: A good number, nothing like home court advantage

Well done to all for showing up, taking on the adventure of planning their own route and largely being on time.

A very special thanks to Brendan P for sharing his local knowledge, compiling a list of way points and convincing the publican to save a table for an unknown number of guests.

Matters Arising

The bar tab from 2021 has been paid!

2023 Destination Discussions

Havelock has been proposed, scouting is required. Looking for a friendly publican with good food, gravel options, single track options and boat options. Nothing like chartering a boat with new friends.

Meeting closed around 10:30pm.

G.D. with not so good weather

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